Are You a Grumbler?

I feel a little like this sick teddy bear!After praying for the Lord to keep me growing, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to something awful!  I am a Grumbler! Riddled with discontent!I would never have thought it, but it's true.  I have found fault with God, with others, with myself, and with various situations that affect me.  Good grief!  This isn't who I thought I was.We all have a self-perception and, naturally, assume that what we think about ourselves is true.  And hopefully it is true.  But God has a way of giving us glimpses into hidden sides of ourselves that we might never have noticed before.I see myself as kind, warm, and encouraging--but recently I have seen myself in a different light. Not all the time, but on some occasions. And it is good because God is speaking in loving correction.God's clear goal is that we be transformed, changed, made new, becoming like Jesus in our inner hearts, motives, and desires.  But how can this happen without seeing what's blocking His work in us?

  • Paul taught that contentment, which is the opposite to grumbling, is a valuable character quality we need to cultivate. (1 Timothy 6:6).
  • James states that quarrels and fights come (without and within ourselves) when we "lust and do not have."  When someone else has what we want, the battle gets fierce. (James 4:1-2).

What's the Biblical cure? Here's James' prescription:

  • Submit to God.  In other words, don't fight with the Holy Spirit. Resist the devil's temptation to rationalize and make excuses. Humbly agree with God, acknowledging that He sees you with far greater clarity than you do, and His conviction is given for your good and because of His love. (James 4:6-8)
  • Draw near to God in confession. Ask Him to take away those ucky feelings of envy or anger or self-pity, and watch Him draw near to you. Instead of condemnation, you will hear His whispered, "Well done, my child. I love you and will continue to work in your heart so you might shine as my light in a dark world."

Isn't that what you want?  If so, let me ask you: How do you see yourself?  Is there something the Holy Spirit sees that is hindering His blessing of spiritual power and joy and contentment in your life?  What will you do with what He shows you?If you want to share your thoughts, write a comment so we can help each other to thrive in Christ.




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