Not everything we think is true. Some women believe they are the best, that they can do anything they set their minds to.  More often, though, women think, I can’t do that. I’m not capable. I could never step out and take a risk!” 

Several years ago I was invited to be the “International Speaker” for a large Christian organization in Australia. The invitation to tour for six-weeks, through seventeen cities, was both a shock and a thrill.  However, the night before my first conference in Perth, I was overwhelmed with fear that I’d be the first “International Speaker” to be sent home.  Sobbing, I told myself, they made a terrible mistake inviting me.  I have nothing to give. I can never live up to their expectations. What possessed me to say yes? After I finally calmed down, I sensed God’s Spirit nudging me:Poppy, did you seek this invitation for yourself?  No Lord, I had never heard of them.  Did you prepare faithfully? Yes, Lord.Have you prayed for My power to be evident in your talks? Yes, Lord.Then, go and give out what I’ve given to you and leave the rest in my Hands. Six weeks later, I marveled at what God accomplished in spite of my human inadequacies.  I also learned a powerful lesson:

What we tell ourselves is pivotal to either staying stuck spiritually and emotionally, or moving forward with a growing, active faith in God.

Here are three reasons every Christian needs to make sure her self-talk lines up with God’s truth.

Negative self-talk:

  1. Limits your experience of God’s love and acceptance. When you rehearse your failures, allow shame to crush you, or insist that God couldn’t possibly care about you, your mind is feeding you lies. Romans 8:1 refutes the lie that you are unacceptable to God. “Therefore, there is now NO condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.”

Take Action: Repeat this life-changing fact to yourself. Grasp hold of it—and train yourself to respond to lies with God’s statements.

  1. Limits your ability to accept the love and friendship of others. If you tell yourself people don’t like you, are judging you, or have no interest in knowing you—you won’t reach out. Believing these lies steals your joy and ignores God’s urgings in Hebrews 10:24-25: spur others on, don’t give up meeting together, encourage one another.

Take Action: Refuse to let isolating, misery-inducing self-talk go unchallenged. Start focusing outward. Ask God, Who do You want me to befriend?

  1. Limits what God has made you capable of doing. My own experience taught me this truth, but how is your self-talk limiting your availability to God? Is He laying on your heart to serve in some way that stretches you? Philippians 2:13 says it is God who gives you the desire and the ability to act according to His good purpose.

Take Action:  Instead of dismissing the Holy Spirit’s nudges, stop and listen.  Then choose to say: By faith, I am going to pursue what God has for my life. I will trust Him. I won’t shrink back.What nagging inner message holds you back from experiencing God’s love and power in your life? Which Biblical truth do you need to believe and act on?

May He bless you, stir up your heart, and reveal His powerful presence in your life, Poppy

This post originally appeared on Upgrade with Dawn.


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