“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matt. 11:28

Has there ever been a time in your life when you weren’t struggling with something?

When I was single, I struggled with loneliness and longing to be married and loved by someone.

When I was a young mom, I struggled with how to be calm and sweet and kind like all the other moms I observed.

When I started studying with Bible Study Fellowship, I struggled with all the bad attitudes I had that the Holy Spirit mercifully pointed out to me.

When I became the Teaching Leader in BSF, I struggled with feeling totally overwhelmed by my lack of knowledge and ability.

When I was asked to fly to places and teach at conferences, I struggled with wondering if the audience would wonder why they invited me!

And so on, and on, and on. How about you?

Are you struggling with something right now in your life?

Whatever stage of life you’re in, there’s usually some sort of struggle. It might be a difficult relationship. It might be financial—or physical—or emotional— maybe an undealt with trauma or wound that can still be triggered.

“The Good Shepherd knows that we need protection and refuge. We need a safe place to run to, where we can be nurtured, nourished, and restored.” FLOURISH, Catherine Hart Webber, Ph.D.

For the past four years I’ve led a small group of women through FLOURISH—and I’m enriched each time by the insights and wisdom packed into each chapter. We are currently digesting how to deal with the struggles of life that produce anxiety, worry, and distress of various kinds.


Here are some sources:

  1. Our negative thinking and worry steal our peace and isn’t what God wants for any of us. Intentionally changing that default setting is possible. I know because I’ve worked on it for years and find I rarely go there anymore. Even when I faced major spine surgery four weeks ago, I found myself in complete peace and filled with joy. (That took the Holy Spirit’s presence as it isn’t normal for any of us to face an 8-hour operation and getting two steel rods put in your back without any anxiety!)
  2. Automatic Negative Thinking and Self-Talk is another robber of peace. Do you repeat things to yourself without asking, “Is my Heavenly Father saying this to me, or about me?” That phrase helped me begin my journey away from saying things to myself that weren’t true. Do you ever say to yourself: No one likes me; I always say the wrong thing; I never feel wanted; I’m not very smart; I’m ugly, fat, unappealing; It’s all my fault, I shouldn’t have OR it’s all their fault this happened?
  3. Negative thinking leads to Anxiety which affects at least 40 million adults in the USA.

Does it affect you?

Remember: Just because you think something doesn’t make it true!

You can use your brain and your mind (and Scripture and prayer) to train your mind to think new thoughts, to practice the presence of God.”

Take your struggles, whatever form they take, to God. Present them to Him, but don’t dwell on how difficult they are. Pivot away from pain, hurt, and the anxiety they produce. Don’t keep rehearsing them—instead, start praising God for who He is:

All Powerful, Loving, Aware, Your Strength no matter how weak you feel, Your Comforter no matter the pain; Your Wisdom for the next step to take, Your source of Courage and Confidence. (Read the Psalms and list all God is to His own. Praise Him for these truths!)

My friend, none of us gets through life without struggles of one kind or another. Let your hard experiences strengthen and mature you as you draw close to Your Loving Father, the One who cares more deeply for you than you could ever know.

If I can be of support, please get in touchpoppy@poppysmith.com


Coaching Women to Grow in Christ


What is Your Purpose?
