A few years ago, we went through a major remodel. Dust was everywhere. Screeching saws cut everything from wallboard to wood to tile.  My husband and I were crammed into our guest bedroom, and to get fresh clothes, we had to step over various machines, bags of mysterious powders, and try not to trip on the drop cloths that covered everything in our former bedroom. Despite the disruption, I was excited to see the outcome and our sparkly bathroom was worth all the chaos and noise.

In my teaching series Lord, Flip This House, (which is also a Scripture-based personal coaching program. Contact me for details at: poppy@poppysmith.com), I liken Jesus to the ultimate INNER remodeler. Working through the Holy Spirit who causes certain verses or thoughts to catch our attention, Jesus impresses on our hearts areas He wants us to notice. Sometimes these are things that need removing, or changing, or simply given greater priority.

I can think of several areas God has brought to my attention as I’ve walked with Him: an irritable spirit, angry words, resentment, comparison and jealousy, self-pity… do you recognize these, or others in yourself?  More importantly, have you experienced God calling you to let Him remodel your heart?

I remember coming home once after several hectic weeks of flying to various places to speak.  I was full of joy, but I was also more tired and emotionally and spiritually drained than I realized. God knew what I needed more than I did, and I sensed the Lord saying, “Poppy, sit quietly with me. Don’t rush around tidying up the mess or checking Facebook or reading the newspaper. Sit quietly and talk with Me.”

Now I didn’t hear any audible voice—just an inward tugging to be with Him. Picking up two spiritually meaty devotionals, I smiled as both emphasized the same message I had just sensed:

“Poppy, come apart with Me before you come apart!”
 Is God’s Spirit saying this to you?

Matthew 14:23 said, “He went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone.” The author commented, “Even Jesus could not maintain His full strength and power for His work and His fellowship with the Father without quiet time with Him.” (Streams in the Desert, Oct. 26.)

The second devotional I picked up as I sat in silence, praying and worshipping said the following: “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” (Mark 6:31).

Among many helpful comments on this verse was the following, “When you praise Me, you find renewal in the shadow of My wings.” (The 30 Day Praise Challenge by Becky Harling)

As you think of the busyness and noise in your life right now, can you hear Jesus saying, “Come and sit with Me a while?”

You might say that it is impossible—but is it? He promises that not only will you be restored physically, but you’ll be also spiritually restored, energized, renewed, and filled with joy in Him.  Do you really want to be renewed by Christ? Then:

What will you say “NO” to today, or this week, in order to say “YES” to His invitation?

Get in touch if you’d like to be encouraged in your walk with Him. I’m here for you.


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