Picture of someone at a desk with a notebook and pen

A 36-year-old reader of my newsletter wrote to say she is feeling sad about getting older.  Many of us who are older than her probably wish we could go back a few years and live our thirties again! 
I wrote my book, “I’m Too Young to Be This Old: Surviving and Thriving in the Muddled, Middle Years,” to help women deal with the feelings and facts that come with getting older. This can strike us when we discover our first grey hairs, or first wrinkles, or first brown spots! Whether it happens in the midlife years or after, it’s part of aging.
Some of you might think about these issues earlier than others.  But, generally, awareness of entering a life-transition begins in the mid-late thirties—although some might not reflect on it until later.
Whatever our age, there are certain factors most of us must grapple with, (and I've given some responses that I've found helpful). Here are four:

  1. The years go by relentlessly—accept that you cannot stop the clock.  The only way for this to happen is to stop living!
  2. Changes in ourselves, our life situation, our family is inevitable. None of us stay in whatever “wonderful” season we have enjoyed. People change, we change, and time can never be frozen (which you can view as a positive or a negative!)
  3. Nostalgia for what used to be (if it was a joyful time in our lives) is normal.  So is feeling a sense of loss and even grieving for what was.
  4. After allowing yourself time to reflect and grieve you face a choice.  You can:
    1. Make a list of all the blessings God has given you and rejoice and be thankful.
    2. Thank the Lord for TODAY, that you’ve lived this long and know Him.
    3. Pray for eyes to see His purpose for the circumstances you are in today.
    4. Invite Him to bless you, develop your strengths, and use you in the years ahead for His glory.

If you want to read more about how to move forward in your life, finding your strengths and gifts, and God’s purposes for you, check out my books: 

You can also request personal support by booking a free 20 minute phone-call here: poppysmith.com/contact

I’d love to chat with you if you’d like to discuss any of the following: 

Your feelings and fears as you age.
The struggles and challenges you have.
What can help you move forward with a more positive viewpoint

Love in Christ,

Coaching Women to Grow in Christ


Discouraged? Cling to these 3 verses!


Podcast Interview: Feeling Overwhelmed? Learn to Say No!