Grow, Risk, Thrive! 2 (Summer series: 2019)

Make Time for Friends

We are created with a hunger for companionship, to feel that someone cares about us. Research shows that intimate relationships play a vital role in our well-being, echoing God's words in Genesis 2:18, "It is not good for man (or woman) to be alone." Even though you have a spouse or other close family members, you need friends.I wonder how many of you are like me, you don’t have family nearby?  Your children, if you have any, or your parents or siblings, live in other cities, counties, states, and even countries?  It gets lonely at times, doesn’t it, especially when Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas come around.  That’s the time you really would like to connect with friends—but they don’t magically appear at your moment of need!  You and I have to cultivate friendships intentionally and over time.According to one research poll, "people who could name five close friends were 60 percent more likely to be 'very happy' than those who couldn't." Close friendships help us cope better with bereavement, personal tragedies, and hard times. Besides, being able to pour out your hurt, confusion, or pain to a close and caring friend is free therapy!So let me ask you:  How many close friends do you have?  Can you name them?  Do you need to take some steps that are long over-due?

Let me encourage you (I’m talking to myself here!):

  • Quit procrastinating! Cultivate those long-term friendships. I did this yesterday and even though my friend and I have to drive 30 minutes from different directions to have lunch and talk, it is a small cost to encourage and be encouraged by one another.

  • Intentionally seek out women you’d like to be friends with. This takes time, courage, and persistence. But, consider this: you'll not only have fun and companionship now, you'll also have someone to share tomorrow's unknowns with.

Take Care of Yourself

To thrive in life we have to make time for solitude and sufficient sleep. We need quiet, to turn off the noise, and simply be still—whether we realize it or not!  It’s essential for spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.

Want to practice slowing down, being quiet, and reducing your stress? Here’s some suggestions:

  • Set aside time to get quiet so you can pay attention to what's going on inside you.

  • Pray for wisdom to see which activities and attitudes in your life are good and which are harmful.

  • Think about your relationships. Do those that leave you feeling drained outnumber those that build you up? What can you do to change the ratio?

  • Reflect on your priorities, your motives, and dreams.

  • Look closely at your eating, sleeping, and exercise patterns. Do these contribute to your well-being, or do you need to make some lifestyle changes?

Everyone’s emotional tank gets drained by stress.  Refill yours on a regular basis by making a list of what renews you, then putting at least one item on your schedule every week. To GROW, RISK reaching out and cultivating friendships. To THRIVE, pay attention to what’s going on inside you!



If you want some support in making needed changes, contact me. I’d love to coach, encourage, and help you get unstuck--either in person or via phone or Skype.  

For further insights read my book, 

I'm Too Young to Be This Old

I’d love to autograph your copy when you order HERE.


Grow, Risk, Thrive! 3


Grow, Risk, Thrive! (Summer series: 2019)