Haiti Horrors--Email from a Survivor

I just received an email from a friend whose cousin and other family members live and work in Haiti. Her cousin wrote that they were in their home with two friends when the house started rocking. She said it felt like being shaken in one of those glass snow toys. She and her husband braced themselves in doorways with their guests but when the back wall of their house collapsed they quickly got outside. They survived with just their passports--everything else lies under their pancaked house.In my book, I'm Too Human to be Like Jesus: Spiritual Growth for the Not-So-Perfect Woman, I probe the issue of What Matters Most?  Watching the images coming from devastated Haiti reinforces the importance of that question.

  • What does matter most to us?
  • What do we want to accomplish while we can?
  • Who do we want to be and how do we want others to remember us?
  • Is knowing God and living a life that honors Him our priority?
  • How are we doing that?

Sobering questions for a sobering time--but thinking about them, and praying and listening to God's response, will yield a life that has purpose, direction, and the fulfillment He intends.After taking care of your family and pets, what else matters most to you?  I'd love to know!


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