Every time I visit my doctor his assistant asks me to review a list of questions about my health and medications.  With the tragic consequences of the Coronavirus surging across America and the world, we all need to think carefully about how we’re responding to this pandemic.

But—we also need to do a check-up from time to time on our spiritual health as well!   

If the bottom line of our faith is to be transformed more and more into the likeness of Jesus, our words and walk every day need to increasingly reflect Him. Check out this list of questions from the Apostle Paul and see how you’re doing.  They are drawn from Ephesians 4:22-32.

Ask yourself:

1.      Has God changed my attitude in some area for the better? (v.22/23)

2.      Am I seen as a truthful person? One who can be trusted? (v.25)

3.      Do I handle my temper differently? (v.26)

4.      Do I carry a grudge? (v.26)

5.      Am I honest and hardworking, doing my part? (v.28)

6.      Do I aim to speak words that build up rather than tear down? (v.29)

7.      Do I choose to forgive—or do I justify my bitterness and malice? (v.31)

8.      Would others say I am more kind, flexible, and tender in how I treat people?

Jesus is meant to bring changes in us for the better. But It only happens as we ask for God’s help and willingly choose to let the Holy Spirit search us.

If you didn’t do too well on this spiritual check-up, let me encourage you! We can all see flaws in ourselves but instead of self-condemnation or shame, remember this:

God doesn’t want you staying away from Him (which I used to do before I grasped this truth). When we fail, God says “Come!” 

Remember the Prodigal son who sinned in every way?  (Luke 5:13-31) Did his father turn away? Speak words of condemnation? Refuse to welcome him home?  No!

And nor does your heavenly Father treat you in that way. When I learned this truth, it transformed my walk with God.  My shame was gone. I was forgiven, accepted, loved and bathed in God’s powerful life-transforming grace. This truth still overwhelms me.

Does it touch you?

So, my friend reading this, maybe there’s a lot of Holy Spirit work still to be experienced in your words and walk. But be encouraged—because there is unlimited forgiveness and acceptance when you do what Jesus said: “Come to Me….and I will give you rest.”

Stay healthy—both physically and spiritually during these days where we have the chance to grow in our faith, love, and appreciation for Him who gave Himself for us.

Love to you,



Is Your Faith Shining?


Apply Your Faith to Your Virus Fears!