Watching the Olympics each evening is like hearing God speak!
No—His message isn’t to become some super-marvel granny, pole-vaulting or tumbling my way to fame. I’d probably die on my first attempt.
What I hear are whispers to watch and learn from the character qualities displayed by these amazing athletes. Let me add one more to the ones I mentioned in my last blog, Do Your Best and Persevere.

Failure Happens. Learn From It. Move On.          

Gabby Douglas delighted the world with her skill and exuberance the first week of the Olympics. But she didn’t keep winning the gold. Gabby failed, several times. Yet she is not a failure. She did her best, which is all any of us can do. And she will continue to persevere and not give up.
If you’re tempted to give up today on a dream, a longing, or a demanding goal, ask yourself:
o   Why am I aiming for this?
o   Is my dream from the Lord? If not, what is motivating me?
If God led you to what you’re doing, and if He is behind your hard work and prayers and diligence, don’t give up. Failure happens. Don’t let it become a wasted experience. Like Gabby Douglas, look for what you can learn from it and try again. If you ask God to teach you how to accomplish what He gave you to do (marriage/family/work/education), He will.
If your failure is a personal one--you hurt or put someone down, or gossiped or lied--apply Hebrews 4:16: “Approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that you may receive mercy and find grace to help in your time of need.” Run to Him, hear His forgiveness, and move on.
Ever failed? How did you feel? What did you learn or gain from this experience? Let us know so we can grow.


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