christmas thrive 2bDo you and your husband (boyfriend or another male that counts at Christmas) share the same traditions and expectations about the holiday season?If you’re married, you’ve probably already worked through these issues. BUT:If you’re not married yet, you might never have thought about the surprises you could face as you celebrate Christmas. What is normal to you, might be quite abnormal for him.My husband, Jim, and I never talked about Christmas—until six months after we married when I asked about getting our tree. I was in for a shock. I discovered that families from his background didn’t “do” Christmas.Depending on your personalities, your differences can cause strife, be smoothed over, or give opportunities for compromise.Here are some issues that can crop up. See if you recognize any:

  • When do you get your Christmas tree? Or do you?
  • What Christmas Eve traditions did you have growing up? What were his? Where do you compromise?
  • When do you open presents? How many do you give? Do you focus on quality, or quantity?
  • Do you read the Christmas story as a family, talking about the wonder of Jesus coming to earth?
  • Do you always attend a Christmas Eve service? A holiday concert? Drive around and see the lights?
  • Do you always eat turkey—or some other family traditional dish?
  • Do you host relatives, friends, or those without a family nearby? Or do you prefer a small, “us-only” celebration?

I’m sure you can think of many more differences that arise from your backgrounds. The fact is, whatever Christmas celebrations you grew up with, became your concept of normal.In the chapter, We Weren’t Raised in the Same Home, (p.64-78, WHY CAN’T HE BE MORE LIKE ME) I say,

Every one of us steps into marriage with assumptions, expectations,

attitudes, and behavior patterns from our upbringing.

As you’re caught up in the holiday buzz and bustle, try tackling any differences over Christmas activities with a few simple questions:How did your family do things? How did his?What is important to you? What is important to him?christmas thrive 1How can you best celebrate the true meaning of Christmas?I love the words that Matthew records about the first Christmas:“When the (Magi) saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.  They then opened their treasures and presented him with gifts….” 2:10-11.In the crazy pressures of this holiday season, take time to stir up joy in your heart. Sing, play music, light candles, sit by your Christmas tree (if you have one :) ).Come close like the Magi, calm your heart, slow down, bow down, and worship.Rejoice and remind yourself every day: God sent His Son. Celebrate all that means, and don’t let your different preferences rob you of that joy!PoppyPhoto credits: DollarPhoto Club[Tweet "CHRISTMAS DIFFERENCES? CHECK YOUR CHILDHOOD!"][Tweet "Do you and your husband share the same traditions and expectations about the holiday season?"][Tweet "In the crazy pressures of this holiday season, take time to stir up joy in your heart."]


