Ten Keys to Anger Control

You're fuming in traffic, annoyed at work, irritated at home--what is going on?  If anger erupts fast and hot, what can you do?  Here are ten keys to turning off your inner fuse-box and living a healthier and happier life--not to mention one that reflects your belief in Jesus.Ask Yourself:1. What is making me angry?2. Were my expectations reasonable given the circumstances? Had I made them known?3. Am I feeling anger--or is there something else underneath. What is the real problem?4. Is my anger justified or am I making a mountain out of a molehill, blowing off steam and blaming?5. Am I mind-reading, claiming the person I'm angry with should have known how I'd feel? 6. Is my self-talk feeding my anger?Calm Yourself:7. Change your "should" statements to: It would have been nice if.... I wish the situation were ....8. Stop and identify what thoughts "trigger" your anger, focus on thoughts that cool you down.8. Evaluate your responses: Was something said or done intentionally to upset you?9. Ask yourself: will my anger bring about what I desire--a better relationship, less stress, a solution?10. Pray for control and speak truth to yourself. Tell youself: with God's help I can cope, I can tolerate the situation, there are solutions, I can learn new responses.All of us get angry from time to time but God has provided lots of life changing advice to help us learn the inportance of controlling our anger."Slowness to anger makes for deep understanding; a quick-tempered person stockpiles stupidity" (Prov.14: 29, The Message)."A gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire" (Proverbs 15:1, The Message).God also promises us His power, through the indwelling Holy Spirit, to make all things possible for those who put their trust in Him.

At this Easter season, may you experience even more of Jesus' life-changing power that is available through His Resurrection from the dead.Poppy 




How Do You Respond to Anger?