What Brings You Joy?

Is there something you do on a regular basis that brings you  joy? 
I'm celebrating the completion of my first year offering spiritual support on a regular  basis.  Since my Bible Study Fellowship days many years ago, I've spent a lot of time supporting women who needed someone to listen, give Biblical counsel, and pray for them.  As I reflect on this past year doing it "officially" as a trained spiritual director/coach/friend, I'm so grateful for the joy God has given me in this role.

Do you have someone who encourages you to grow in Christ?  To grow in your attitudes, your self-talk, your awareness of God working in your life?
Here's what I look for from my own spiritual director during our monthly meetings.  This is what I pray the women I meet with also receive:
  • Help in identifying the particular path God has you on
  • Encouragement to faithfully follow that path
  • Help in focusing your life so it is less scattered and more Christ-centered
  • Helping you explore what it means to lean into Christlikeness in your circumstances
  • Encouragement to grow in honesty with yourself, God and others
  • Awareness and support in practicing ways to come into God's presence
There are many other Spirit-given blessings from having someone give you an hour of focused attention.  I'm grateful for the insights and support I receive, and for the opportunity to be that person for others.
Who is this person in your life?  I'd love to hear your stories.
If this is something you want for your life, you can connect with me at: poppy@poppysmith.com
Blessings from the God who overflows with grace and kindness! 

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