“Other seed fell on good soil and produced grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.” Matthew 13: 1-23

I’m super excited today because this week I begin leading two new groups of women in deepening their walk with Jesus. I’m also attending a Sunday morning women’s group that’s studying the Parables—and we just discussed the parable of the soils!All this focus on growth got me reflecting on how Jesus led me, as a young mom, from living with despair and longing, to learning how to grow closer to Him.I remember when Pam, another young mom, asked if I’d like to join their small-group Bible study. She had no idea how much I wanted to get closer to God. What she saw was a fun, young wife and mom of a toddler and preschooler.

  • No one knew that I spewed angry words at my husband whenever he irritated me

  • Was impatient with my children if they didn’t instantly obey

  • Rarely opened my Bible, and

  • Found caring for children all day left me neither the time nor the desire to read.

Do you remember those days—or are you there now?

Feeling like a complete failure, I frequently fantasized about how I could run away and start over. Then Pam invited me to that first Bible study. I was so ready and eagerly accepted, hoping this was God’s answer to my cries for help.As soon as the workbook arrived I read through the detailed directions.  I collected colored pencils and began by drawing the required diagrams, then highlighted words with different pens, looked up the meaning of key thoughts in Hebrew and Greek, and filled the blanks with what I hoped were correct answers. Parts of my Bible ended up looking like they had a bad case of chickenpox!Instead of appearing as if a competent scholar had studied their meaning and made insightful comments, my odd-shaped drawings, uncoordinated colors, and tiny handwritten explanations of words I couldn’t even pronounce, morphed into an unsightly jumble.After a few weeks I gave up. This approach was too detailed and demanding for someone like me!My excitement continued to fizzle as I faced the disappointing truth: this study didn’t make me feel any closer to God either, nor was it helping me change.  In fact, it convinced me that I clearly lacked whatever it took to be spiritual, even though I wasn’t sure what that was.  I kept going for a while, and my weekly, fervent prayer never changed:  Please, Lord, don’t let anyone notice I haven’t done the lesson! Ever prayed that prayer?  Probably most of us have!I’ll share how I ended up loving to study the Bible and experienced growth in my next mailings. But for a moment, think about what growth you’ve seen happen in your own journey with God.

  • How did your love for God increase? What means did God use to draw you closer to Him—Scriptures, people, experiences?

  • When do you feel most fully alive and loved by God?

  • What changes has God made in you? Remember, celebrate, and ask for more!

I’d love to hear your stories and share your joy. Contact me HERE.Poppy

For further insights read my book,

Why Can't HE Be More Like ME?

I’d love to autograph your copy when you order HERE.


How Are You Designed to Grow?


How Are YOU Doing Good?