
I pray that you may know the HOPE to which

He has called you.

Ephesians 1:17

Is HOPE just wishful thinking?Are we to knock on wood, keep our fingers crossed, and HOPE things turn out for the best?Is the Bible saying the same thing when it speaks of HOPE—or does it have a completely different meaning?One thing we know for sure:

Without HOPE, the unknown has the power to stir up anxiety and fear.

Whether your unknown is a health prognosis, uncertainty over a relationship, a job, or a major change, the unknown easily produces fear.[Tweet "Without HOPE, the unknown has the power to stir up anxiety and fear."]Addressing this familiar response, Scripture repeatedly says:

Put your HOPE in God because hopelessness, dread, and pessimism are not from Him!

Two weeks before America celebrates Thanksgiving Day, this nation faces the unknown. Donald Trump’s election has bought hope and excitement to some, and horror and despair to others.  Whether you live in the United States or in another country, this totally unexpected outcome will make an impact in many ways. Millions are asking how could this happen? And, what does this mean for America? For minorities? For our involvement in the world?  God knows, and so will we, in time.[Tweet "Put your HOPE in God because hopelessness, dread, and pessimism are not from Him!"]

HOPE is mentioned throughout Scripture and is a vital part of our spiritual armor, but what is HOPE?

Prayer, BibleBiblical hope is not wishful thinking. It is having confidence, trust, and a firm conviction that God is in control of history No matter what happens in your life, here in the USA or in other countries, it is not a surprise to Him. He is working out His eternal purposes, as He has throughout time. Isaiah 46:9 Biblical hope is life transformingit turns us from living with despair and discouragement, from focusing on the negative, and being consumed with feelings of hopelessness and helplessness— to seeing this world and our circumstances through a different lens.

  • In Psalm 42: 5, David gives us a principle for dealing with discouragement. After he acknowledged his feelings, he asked himself why he felt that way. He then pivoted from spiraling down emotionally and told himself to refocus and put his HOPE in God.
  • In Romans 12:12, Paul writes, be joyful in hope. Hope brings joy, hopelessness brings despair.
  • In Romans 15:4, Paul connects the need to know the Bible if we want to have hope in difficult times. Everything written in the past was to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have HOPE.
  • Hebrews 6:19, We have this hope—this future blessing promised to us—as an anchor for the soul, keeping us firm and secure, spiritually and emotionally.
  • 11:1 Faith is being sure of what we HOPE for.

Biblical hope--our confident expectation that God is with us—doesn’t grow by magic![Tweet "Biblical hope--our confident expectation that God is with us—doesn’t grow by magic!"]You and I can develop a deeper and stronger confidence in God through taking some practical steps.  Here are three that will help to hold you steady when facing the unknown:

  1. Learn more about the greatness of God and the future He has planned for you. Isaiah 40:28-31.
  1. Remember all He has done for you and how much you matter to Him—Ephesians 1.
  1. Reflect and list all the ways He has led YOU and taken care of YOU through Your life experiences. Psalm 77.

Hope in the Lord will renew your strength. It will change your viewpoint. It will give you a new mindset. And it will fill you with a different perspective on the present and the future. There is a future ahead for all who are His, and it is more glorious than any of us can imagine.Put your HOPE and confidence in that!Blessings, HOPE, and joy as you face what lies ahead. Do send a comment or an added thought. I love hearing from you.Poppy  


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