Does God Value Me?


Jesus, God in the flesh, looked at the crowds of people around him and saw them as sheep without a Shepherd.  He valued them.  He had compassion on them. His heart was stirred to care about them because each one was significant and valuable. (Matt. 9:35-38).

Do you realize, do you deeply know, that God sees you in the same way? 
You are not an anonymous piece of humanity, lost in the crowd.  God values you and created you to live with this deep and amazing sense that “I matter.”
Jesus repeatedly demonstrated this in his encounters with human beings who weren’t perfect, polished, professional or had it all together!
Every time I read of Jesus’ compassion and sensitivity, particularly to women, I am filled with gratitude.  Luke 13:10-13 tells the story of a woman who was bent over for 18 years. She lived with physical and emotional pain. She was crippled in every aspect of her life.
Try bending over yourself.  Imagine being disabled, crippled, bowed down, in pain, your vision severely limited, your body and spirit deformed by Satan’s constant attack for 18 years. Do you think this woman felt valued by anyone?  By God?
Imagine being in such bondage and having your life be so far from what you hoped —and having no power to change your circumstances. 
The fact is, at times we are all crippled, spiritually, and emotionally, tied up and unable to look up.  Have you been there?  Are you there right now?
Jesus SAW her.  She mattered to him.  She had infinite value and significance.  He loved her and had compassion on her.
Jesus ACTED. Luke describes what Jesus did.  He didn’t ignore her, confirming her feeling that she didn’t matter. He called her forward.  He said Come. And in coming she heard not only His words of love, but she also experienced His healing touch.
Jesus healed her broken body, but he also healed her broken soul.  She knew, perhaps for the first time in many years, that she did matter.
Over and over in Scripture we are invited to COME. 
Jesus says COME, Come to Me and I will give you rest— because YOU matter. Matt. 11:28-29
I will refresh your parched soul.  I will help you see how my hand is upon your life even though you might be confused and baffled and feel unvalued by others.
Come to ME when you’ve failed.  Come when you’ve sinned in your weakness.  Come when you want to run. Come when your heart is breaking or exploding or confused.

Come when you’re spiritually thirsty and long for your life to be different. Come to the waters and drink. (Isaiah 55)
Do you need to do just that today?   
The value God places on you is vividly displayed in the life and death of Christ on the Cross.  What greater proof can shout; GOD VALUES YOU? 
Sometimes our life experiences can shut down our ability to grasp that we matter. If you want to explore this and find the amazing joy of knowing you do matter, let’s talk. Contact me through my website, and let’s set up a confidential 20 minute phone call. 
Your joy in knowing that God values you matters to me—and Him!


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