Essential #1: Create Time for God’s Word — You Need it!

Create Time for God’s WordEssential #1:

Create Time for God’s Word—You Need it!

“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth” Psalm 119: 103. 

As a baby Christian living in Kenya, I would drive my beaten up car to the city park during my lunch hour, munch on a sandwich, and devour a Bible study on Romans.  I knew nothing about the Bible, why Jesus died on the Cross, or how to live like a Christian, but I had a longing to know more. I’m so grateful for this gift of spiritual hunger because it has changed my life.[Tweet "Create Time for God’s Word — You Need it! #Choose2Grow"]As our focus is on creating time to read God’s Word, let me share with you a book written by my friend, speaker and author Lucinda (Cindy) McDowell. In Cindy’s book titled, Live These Words: an active response to God, she examines 40 key words from Scripture.  Adding stories, quotes, and prayers, her writings have stirred me to grow in Christ. And reflecting on her sub-title, I can’t help but ask you, and myself:

“If we don’t make time to read God’s Word, how can we actively

respond to what He says about a life that pleases Him?”

Clearly, we can’t!

Many of us live packed-to-the-brim lives where we desperately multi-task our endless to-do lists. Rushing to work, taking care of our children, or meeting other pressing needs too often means that time to read the Bible, think about it, and absorb it into our spiritual system just doesn’t happen. In spite of loving to soak in Scripture, at times I still struggle with fitting it in.Spend time in the WordStudies in both America and Canada are measuring the decline of Bible reading. They are also linking the lack of Bible knowledge with the moral decline among Christians. One comment struck me:“Followers of Jesus will treat the Bible as an optional reading lesson. Disciples of Jesus will treat the Bible as the bread of life. Serious Christians will see the Bible as indispensable in knowing Jesus more deeply. Causal Christians will see the Bible as a dusty, boring book that has little relevance to their earthly pursuits.”[Tweet "Studies in both America and Canada are measuring the decline of Bible reading. #Choose2Grow"]My goal isn’t to make you feel guilty, flaky, or full of shame.  Life happens. Seasons of life vary. But if we put ourselves in the “serious Christian” category, let’s reflect on the benefits gained from spending more time reading Scripture.Here are 6 that have transformed my heart—and can transform yours:

  1. God reveals who He is—that He is forgiving, merciful, full of love. Truths you don’t grasp unless you dig in, think, and respond to the stirring of His Spirit.
  2. God eradicates guilt and shame at the Cross. You don’t have to be “good enough!”
  3. God transforms your character, your distorted thinking, your broken sense of self.
  4. God gives hope for tomorrow, provides the strength to persevere, and is for you.
  5. God shows how to live so you don’t keep tripping up, staying stuck, or hating yourself.
  6. God gives power to forgive, reconcile, make hard decisions, and to choose His will.

There is so much more, of course, that God has communicated which I can’t cover here. But here are some suggestions for absorbing more of what God wants you to know:

  1. Ask God to give you a hunger for His Word. We need His help to follow through!
  2. Use a Bible! I know various devices have everything you need, but make a physical Bible a special treasure. Underline, write notes, put in quotes, paste what inspires you.
  3. Find podcasts or Bible teachers who feed you while you drive. Sing praise songs.
  4. Write out verses to reframe your thinking about who God is, and who you are.
  5. Join a structured Bible Study. Prioritize your time to include this. Be accountable.
  6. Absorb the Word in some form every day. Choose to read and journal 3 times a week.
  7. Meet with a growing Christian friend for coffee/lunch once a week and share life.

Again, there are far more ways to absorb God’s Word than I can cover here. For more inspiration on the 5 essentials we’re covering in this series, order a copy of I’m Too Human to be Like Jesus from my website. Let me know if you’d like it signed for you or a friend.Qu: Do you have a favorite way to absorb Scripture? Jot a response and share it with us here so we can all be helped.Wishing you much joy from reading God’s words to you.   Photo credit: GraphicStock

In order to THRIVE, we need to drink, otherwise we’ll find ourselves dehydrated. Jesus impressed on me when I left teaching in BSF many years ago, “Feed my sheep.”  It’s why I DRINK, and write and speak. I need input, just as we all do. So with each THRIVE, I’ll share one resource that helps me hear God.
Here’s one:  
As our focus is on creating time to read God’s Word, let me share with you a book written by my friend, speaker and author Lucinda McDowell. In Cindy’s book titled, Live These Words: an active response to God, she examines 40 key words from Scripture. 



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