I just spent a fascinating day with my husband driving up to the top of the volcano which is the island of Maui. The view from 10,000' was spectacular, the wind wild, and the results of the eruption that formed this beautiful island, awe inspiring.Seeing God's power to create in the physical world, I couldn't help but think of the human equivalent--God's power at work in us. Like the volcano that rose thousands of feet from the hidden ocean floor, God's power was at work in bringing us forth. Ps.139:15 says, "My frame was not hid from you when I was created in the secret place."But in addition to our physical creation, God's power continues to work in us to bring forth the beauty of being like Christ. This applies to how we respond, think, evaluate and act in our relationships and responsibilities.Through believing and receiving Christ's offering of Himself for our sins, the journey to inner transformation begins. We are made new creations in Christ--something I love to cling to. I am not the old Poppy I used to be. I am not alienated from God. My sins are no longer a barrier to being His daughter, His loved child! God's power has done the humanly impossible.God's power is available to every believer. We can become the person He has in mind. It takes time. It doesn't happen quickly. Nor does it happen without our willing cooperation! BUT--we can become someone we would never be without Him.Here's some examples of the kind of inner transformation only God produces. I'd love to know what you would add from your own experience with the Lord.

  • Instead of being fearful, we can grow in trust and courage
  • Instead of being negative toward ourselves, we can thank God He is at work in us
  • Instead of comparing or complaining, we can celebrate what He has done in and through us
  • Instead of being selfish, we can become generous, caring, sensitive and supportive

As 2010 begins, let me challenge you to think about God's power. How have you experienced it this past year in your walk with Him? Can you name some situations? As you think about the year to come, where do you long to see evidence of God's power at work in and through you?Blessings on your journey towards spiritual and personal growth.Poppy


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