Are you a “let’s get things moving” kind of person?  I am!  At least some of the time.However, my friend, Donna, is a typical Choleric who finds her hectic work schedule intensely satisfying.Powerfully driven to do something meaningful with her time, she need activities that have purpose, are well-organized, and accomplish their mission.  And, like typical Cholerics, she loves to:

  • Lead and get things done.

  • Is energized by new challenges

  • Naturally takes control if no one else steps in.

  • Wants the freedom to manage tasks using her leadership skills.

Because Donna can be relied on to get things done, she often takes charge of several projects both at work and at her church. She organizes the church food pantry, runs the welcome committee, and keeps the retreat team on task.  With gifts of leadership and vision, she’s happy to step forward, finding it hard to fathom why others don’t do the same.“My reading of Scripture tells me clearly that faith and works are two sides of the same coin, so this is how I express my love to God for all He has done for me.”            

However, Donna’s life is so packed with worthwhile commitments, she has little time to come close or reflect on what God might want to say to her.

Do you identify with Donna?  

I want to grow in my awareness of God’s voice, and in community with others,” Donna acknowledged. “But, if I’m going to spend a few hours in a group Bible study, then it had better have more to offer than a place for women to chit-chat about their kids or vacation plans.  I want a study that is structured, begins and ends on time, and has a leader who reins in women who talk too much!  When I’m part of a group like that, I’m willing to commit.”

To connect with God as a Choleric, here are some suggestions:

  • Look for a study that is well-run and focused. Get input from attendees.

  • Find a spiritually mature prayer-partner you admire and will listen to.

  • Possibly meet regularly with a Spiritual Director, Companion, or Mentor.

  • Once you’ve found the right person and built a trusting relationship, invite her to speak into your life.

Ask her:

  • What does she see as your strengths?

  • Areas that need looking at?

  • Does she have something to say about decisions you are facing?

  • Has God given her a word from Scripture to share with you?

As you experience freedom to pray together about whatever is on your heart, you’ll not only give each other support, you’ll experience a designated time that produces genuine spiritual growth.  It will be worth the effort to include God-time among your many activities.

Qu.  How has this helped you understand yourself and your needs as a Choleric?


Are You Mostly Melancholy?
