“Put off your former conduct… be renewed in the spirit of your mind… and put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.” Ephesians 4: 22-24

If you were asked to give an exhortation to parents at a baby dedication, what would you say?  That was the challenge my husband, Jim, and I faced recently. 

At church, we had welcomed a lovely couple from Nigeria and when their second child was born, we were both honored and surprised when they invited us to participate in the ceremony. After praying, thinking, and wondering what on earth would be suitable, I talked about this fact:

Parents have the power to shape the future of a child’s life by how they treat them.

No, I’m not referring to providing a good education, or extra tutoring, or being enrolled in all manner of sports and other activities, good as those things can be, but simply by being role models of a man or woman who follows Jesus Christ.  Sadly, I meet too many women (and men) whose hearts and self-image were crushed by so-called Christian parents who attended church but were cruel and abusive at home.

Whether we’re a parent or grandparent, or not, if we claim to be followers of Jesus, the following traits from Ephesians 4: 25-32 will be seen in increasing measure. These traits also reveal:

You are not only reading Scripture: you are allowing it to change you by God’s power!

1.       No more lies. No more pretense. Speak the truth to others, to God, and to yourself.  Stop making excuses for why you do it or whether it’s harmless. Don’t make promises to your children or others when you know it’s not going to happen.  Think of the destroyed trust in that child’s heart.

2.       Refuse to let anger control you. We all get angry from time to time but if anger is your normal reaction, get some help.  Something is wrong. Don’t stay angry, don’t spew anger over your family. Your children will be terrified and negatively affected by your example.

3.       Model a work ethic. Get an honest job—not just to provide for your family and future, but also so you can share generously with others who can’t work.

4.       Watch how you talk. Zip your lips if you’re tempted to be mean, critical, or nasty—your kids and others are listening and forming their opinion of you! Instead, say only what builds up.

5.       Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit who is in you.  How do we do that? By refusing to let bitterness poison our hearts and mouths, by rejecting cutting and backbiting comments, and by forgiving others because we have experienced the amazing mercy and forgiveness of God.

6.       Be kind—intentionally, every day, in every situation.  When you’re heading into a challenging situation, pray: Lord give me Your kindness.  Show Yourself through my words and actions today. Thank You for Your power to change me. Amen

I’ve used several phrases from The Message.  Let me encourage you to read and pray through this passage several times.  Our world needs those who claim to be Jesus followers to be like Him! And I’m speaking to myself.




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