Have you:

  • Gone shopping

  • Been stuck in traffic

  • Driven round and round looking for a parking spot.

Then you’ve probably already been stressed.I don’t know about you but when I’m under pressure, I can get a bit cranky and my words aren’t always sweet and kind! In addition, sometimes all my beautiful prayers that I might be like Jesus: patient, loving, and self-sacrificing seem to go out the window when the checkout lane creeps along until there’s only one person ahead of me.  Then I hear those patience-shattering, utterly frustrating words, “Oh, so sorry! I forgot just one thing—won’t be a minute.”Mix together the pressure to:

  • Get everyone that perfect present at a bargain price,

  • Decorate a gorgeous tree,

  • Bake enough cookies to feed the five thousand,

  • Throw a fabulous party for everyone you know, AND THEN:

Stir in tired, irritable kids and husbands groaning at the cost of it all—and the greatest season of the year can easily become one you’d rather forget as tempers flare, children bicker and you have an emotional melt down!

Anyone been there?

So how can things be different?  First:  Take a few deep breaths!Second: Smile—whether you feel like it or not. Studies show that a smile can lift your mood and it’s contagious!  When you’re stressed, catch someone’s eye, or greet them, SMILE!Third: Consciously choose to speak kindly and calmly to others, especially your kids, your spouse, and yourself.

Be Kind to Your Kids!

At Christmas, it’s easy to forget that little ones don’t have your energy to go to one more store!  In your understandable drive to get as much done as possible, do you ignore their cries for attention--until they keep raising the decibel level –Mommy, Mommy, Mommy? Then find it’s easy to snap and say words that wound?Try this instead: get on their eye level. Speak softly not roughly. Give them your full attention. Embrace them, and lovingly deal with the situation.Proverbs 12:18 says: Reckless words pierce like a sword…” That’s true with kids of every age!

  • Be the master of your day—think about your plans and your kids’ stamina.

  • Be smart and anticipate problems. Make plans to handle them before your kids lose it.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, in addition to the games and toys you give your kids, you blessed them with loving words? 

Be Kind to Your Husband

What about intentionally speaking positively to your husband? Here’s some ideas:

  • Wouldn’t he love to receive WORDS of appreciation, or admiration, or acceptance—as well as that gizmo/sweater/underwear?

  • How about words of support: What can I do today that would help you out?

  • Or words of respect: What do you think about this? How do you feel about …?

­­­­­­­­­­­­ Be Kind to Yourself

And what about you?  Instead of criticizing and attacking yourself, nourish your heart by speaking words of kindness and truth to yourself.

  • Refuse to speak words to yourself that you’d never dream of saying to anyone else!

  • Rehearse your positive character traits developed by God, and not your weaknesses.

  • Reject comparison with others. You are a woman God loves and is working in.

Your Words are powerful, my friend. They are gifts that can bless, heal, and bring joy to others, and yourself.  Use them—and Smile!  

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Are You Mostly Melancholy?