Lonely? Take Action!

A few days before Easter I faced the reality that I’d be celebrating this special time alone. With my children and their children living in other states, and my husband teaching at a medical school in Ethiopia, I was alone—and feeling pretty lonely.Have you been there? Are you feeling lonely right now?Unless you’re super outgoing or belong to a family that lives close and makes sure to celebrate special holidays together, you have probably felt lonely at some time.It’s not much fun is it?God made us to need others, saying it isn’t good for people to be alone (Genesis 2:18). David wrote, “God sets the lonely in families” (Psalm 68:6). And Christians are exhorted to not try and live out their faith alone because we need one another’s love, acceptance, and support on the journey (Hebrews 10:25).Much current research into healthy living and longevity echoes what Scripture says:

  • We’re created to thrive spiritually and emotionally when we have meaningful relationships.

  • We suffer and can slip into desolation and depression without them.

Being physically alone is not the same as feeling the ache of loneliness.

Some of you enjoy your solitude and time alone and you don’t have a struggle with loneliness. On the other hand, some of you might be around people—family, spouses, children, roommates—and yet be desperately lonely.

“Loneliness is the result of the absence of personal intimacy or meaningful activity… It is universal and no age group is immune.” - J.Oswald Sanders, Facing Loneliness.

Whatever the cause of your loneliness, don’t let it swallow you up in self-pity. I indulged in that useless activity a little bit last week.But then I decided to take action! Here’s what I did, plus other things we can do when we feel lonely:

Take Action!

  • Pray for help. Ask: “God, what should I do? Who is a good enough friend that I can ask to join them and not risk an awkward response?”

  • Look for others who are alone and suggest meeting for a meal or activity.

  • Think and ask about where you can help—in a church activity (Easter egg hunt for the 500 kids who will show up?) or a community outreach (feeding the homeless, visiting shut-ins, greeting visitors?)

  • Consider being alone as a special treat: take a nap, visit a bookstore or the library, read a new book, check out a funny or uplifting movie on YouTube video. Sing praises. Do _______? You fill in the blank.

How Did I Handle My Loneliness?

I prayed about what to do. Then I remembered a dear friend who always says she misses me (isn’t that nice?) and would like to spend more time together. It worked out perfectly and she even thanked ME for thinking of her!There are many ways your life can be rich with relationships—but it requires action on your part. First, ask God for insight and direction, then act on what He brings to mind.

Let's Talk: If you’ve found helps for when you’re lonely, I’d love to hear from you.Share your thoughts on Facebook or email me directly.




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