Money and Family Obstacles to Your Dream

Don't you wish money grew on trees?When you’re wondering how to finance your dream or get started with a class or online program, finding the finances is often a big obstacle.

The love of money is the root of all evil,” 1 Timothy 6:10

But you don’t have to love money in order to need it for life’s necessities and to bring your God-given dreams into reality. So what can you do?

Anticipate Obstacles - Money

Here are some ways to conquer the MONEY OBSTACLE:

  1. ASK GOD TO PROVIDE WISDOM. What do you actually need in order to take the next step? Can you make things happen with less than your ideal amount? What answers does God have for you if you’ll take the time to wait and listen?

  2. ANALYZE WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES. Could you make different choices? Give up some “little” indulgences and put that money into a piggybank or special fund? Could you cut back and spend less on things you regularly purchase or think you must have?

  3. ASSESS YOUR PRIORITIES. What is most important to you? To continue your usual financial patterns, or reorder your spending in order to accumulate what you need to move forward?

  4. APPROACH OTHERS. Your dream might stir such passion and urgency in you that God leads you to share it with others, asking them to consider joining you in this special task. If this is the case, pray for God’s direction to those whose hearts HE is preparing.

You could also approach your boss, your spouse, your mother, or anyone else who sees God at work in what you long to do.

Anticipate Obstacles - Family

Children are not necessarily obstacles to experiencing your dreams, but taking care of them is a God-given responsibility that must come before pursuing your own desires. For the years that your children need a parent’s loving attention, their physical, spiritual, psychological and emotional needs must be primary.Being a help and support to your husband, an elderly parent, or another person God is asking you to serve are also God-given and God-honoring priorities.But does this mean you are stuck because of family expectations? Or could there be ways to negotiate and compromise?Let me encourage you to be realistic. Not everyone in your family will necessarily be supportive because:

  • Changes in your schedule, priorities, and availability will likely affect them.

  • Everyone likes their lives to go along smoothly and not have fresh demands placed on them.

  • Some family members who tend toward negativity could be hurtful when you share your vision.

  • Some will urge you to keep things as they are and not take a risk or challenge, perhaps fearing you will grow away from them.

Whatever the response you face, remember:

It is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. (Phil. 2:13)

Keep your eyes open and look for those God will send across your path to affirm and support your dream. Why do they do this? Because they recognize God's hand on your life and that He is at work in you!

Let's Talk: Do you have an experience where God provided money, a friend, or family member to help you move toward your dream? I’d love to hear—so please write a quick response. 

Poppy Smith


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