Overwhelmed? Remember God's Faithfulness!

“Take stones… carry them out… pile them up as a monument” Joshua 4:3When was the last time you were overwhelmed? Not by your circumstances, but by God’s amazing power to do what would otherwise be impossible?I can think of several times where God has simply stunned me with His power. The most awe-inspiring incident was when my father, who had been a disinterested agnostic all his life, announced that God had stirred his heart and he wanted to know more. He became a believer in the Living God at the age of 70.There’s no room to expand on all the amazing things that happened at that time of my mother’s death and my father’s salvation, but I rehearse them in my mind over and over. Why? Because it reinforces my faith in a prayer answering God. (Read the full story in I’m Too Young to be This Old in the chapter titled, My Parents Need Me, How Can I Help?)When the Israelites crossed over the River Jordan on dry ground, God Himself told Joshua to build a memorial to what He had done for them (Joshua 4).

Have you ever wondered why He did that? Here are three reasons:

  • Because He knows how quickly we forget His faithfulness as life moves on.

  • Because He commands us to tell others (especially our children and family) about His amazing power and provision in our lives.

  • Because He commands us to point to His great deeds when others ask, “Why do you believe in God? Or, “How have you seen God working in YOUR life?"

What would you say? Can you recall 5, or 10, or more ways He’s proven He’s aware of you and has provided for your needs?

  • Think back to impossible places in your life. When I was 18, single, and living alone in Kenya I was so ill I needed to be hospitalized. But I had no funds. Someone sent money to pay my medicines after hearing about my need at a prayer meeting.

  • When I was in despair over my marriage, God sent someone to plant a seed of faith. He asked, “Poppy, do you believe God can change your relationship?” I had never considered it, but now, years later, I see God’s hand in how my life turned out.

  • When I longed to teach His Word, God had someone send my tapes to Australia and I was asked to speak for six weeks in that wonderful country.

I can only share some of my “stunning” moments of God’s reality—but what about YOU? Do you have your stories? Your treasured memories?Let me encourage you to be like the Israelites.

STOP and digest what God has done before rushing on. Be caught up in praise.

COLLECT your memories. Think of your life in decades or seasons. Mine them for the spiritual gold you might have long forgotten.

BUILD a memorial, a place of sacred memories. Perhaps small objects, or a Spiritual Treasures scrapbook with stories, verses, photos, drawings, notes of praise to God.

REMEMBER. When you feel down, or need a fresh infusion of God-awareness, go back to your memorials and sit in awe before the One who has, and will, continue to care and provide for you.

May He bless you, stir up your heart, and reveal His powerful presence in your life,




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