What Did God Teach You in 2014?

2015 - a new year to reflect and grow!Are you already running full speed ahead into your plans for 2015? Change, planning, new goals, and excitement are part of the fun of entering a new year… But, before you race into the future, don’t miss this key opportunity to ask yourself some worthwhile questions. Here are six I’m reflecting on. What helpful information can you get from reflecting on these?

  • What did God teach me in 2014 about myself that I need to remember and act on? 
  • What positive lessons did I learn about who I am in Christ—and what I can do through Him?
  • What did God show me about Himself that I can confidently rely on in 2015?
  • What am I most grateful for from 2014?
  • What did I face, let go of, or overcome in 2014? What do I need to do to keep strong in 2015? 
  • What do I need to process with someone, journal, or express in order to experience emotional freedom in 2015?

If you want to talk about how these questions touch your life, you can contact me here.


“Thus far has the LORD helped us.”

In 1 Samuel 7:12, Moses celebrated God’s goodness in helping His people win a decisive battle. His words “Thus far has the Lord helped us” pointed back--to the many times God protected, provided, directed, and even disciplined them so they walked in gratitude and obedience. 6 questions to reflect on what God taught you in 2014As you look back at the road you travelled in 2014, think about the many ways God has shown you His mercy. How He provided for your needs—not only physically but emotionally, and with wisdom as you faced confusion and hurt. Think about His loving-kindness that brought you joy and peace—and thank Him.  “Thus far” also points forward—to 2015. Our journey with God goes on. We’ll have more glorious experiences of His help and guidance in the days and months ahead because, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and tomorrow” (Hebrews 13:8). That means, He will always be to you and to me, Who He has been in the past.

None of us knows what the future holds, but we do know the One who never changes. Because we have this anchor for our souls, let me encourage you to say out loud, now and in every situation:

  • I am confident that God knows all that is happening in my life, and that He cares.
  • He is my High Tower, my Rock, my Shield, and my Good and All-Wise Shepherd.
  • I will praise Him for Who He is and all He is to me.

In 2015, May you be blessed with a hunger for Him, His Word, and His path for you.  

Let's Talk: What truth about God will you carry into 2015? I’d love to know. (If you are an email subscriber and want to comment on the actual post, click here to visit the blog and leave a comment.)

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