“I have come that you may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)” John 10:10: Amplified Bible

What is the “Abundant Life”?

Could Jesus have been meaning wonderful vacations on white-sand beaches, beside deep blue seas lapping at your feet?  I doubt it!  Was He even talking about financial abundance for you or me as the reason He came?  I doubt that even more! Certainly, you might have been blessed financially, but that wasn’t WHY He came and died on the Cross.

So, what did Jesus mean when He said we could have and enjoy life, in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)?

The life Jesus speaks of is spiritual, present, and eternal.

  • It’s a never-ending life that is yours because of faith in His death for you (Romans 6:23) To leave the body (death) is to be with the Lord (continuing life)
  • It’s a quality of life that reflects God’s reality as you abide in Jesus (John 15:5)
  • It’s a life that has purpose and direction under the hand of God (Hebrews 12:1-2)
  • It’s a life that is developed by cultivating love for God and a commitment to saying YES to his plans for you (Philippians 2:13)
  • It’s a conviction about who your life belongs to; you are not your own, you were bought with a price, therefore, honor God with your body (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Do you want a fruitful life, one you enjoy, one that is full of experiencing God’s presence?  That’s what Jesus promises. But it doesn’t mean a life of escapism-- much as we might wish it did--where we float around on a cloud above the trials and heartaches of this life. 

It means that even though we go through what others go through—loss, hurt, rejection, sickness, and disabilities—in it, we can experience the living presence of God’s comfort, strength, and love.  

In my earlier years an older woman of faith wrote these words of wisdom in reply to my cries of pain, “God does not always take us out of our trials, but He always goes through them with you.”

It took me many years to learn and see this, and to discover what the Abundant Life really is.

The abundant life, life to the full, is an inward conviction, a stabilizer of our hearts, that God knows me, loves me, values me, and is working for my ultimate good in all that He allows—and being human means I don’t always understand why or what He is doing at that time!

The abundant life is God Himself and everything that flows from our relationship with Him: a consciousness of His presence which brings peace. A confidence in His care which brings comfort, and a joy in knowing I face nothing in life by myself.  

The Abundant life is an inner reality that permeates all I am, whether my earthly life allows me to live “abundantly” or not!

Let me ask you: What difference is the Abundant life Jesus came to give you, making in your life?

I'd love to know your thoughts.

  • I’d love to have you join my monthly group especially for women 60+. It’s at a convenient time (10 am Pacific) for all time zones to join. Interested in knowing more? Send me an email for details about FACING LIFE TOGETHER.  We cover relevant topics, have honest discussion, and give each other warm encouragement.  poppy@poppysmith.com

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