Gov. Sanford: Sex, Power, and Public Failure

Governor Mark Sanford and Senator John Ensign recently joined a sad list of public figures who have failed morally. I only have to mention former President Bill Clinton, former Gov. Elliot Spitzer, various mayors, police chiefs, a former CEO of Boeing, military recruiters, senior classmen at the Air Force Academy, prison guards, pastors, counselors, junior and high school teachers, (male and female) for us to recognize the breadth of this problem.

Talking about sex, power and public failure isn’t a pleasant, feel good topic, especially in Christian circles. But it must be talked about, especially as too many who publically claim to uphold “family values” don’t. This topic is not academic or irrelevant, it is for every red-blooded man or woman, Christian or not. It needs to be addressed because when we practice behaviors that are inappropriate, we are putting our reputation and career on the line, as well as the well-being of those who love and trust us.

Most of all, we are tearing down the dwindling credibility Christians have in our culture as people who live by a different moral code because we know and love God.


I'll be posting a few more blogs on this topic and hope you'll share your thoughts. If you want to read my full article on this subject, go to:

Have a great July 4th celebration and remember: freedom is not just political, it is spiritual! Jesus died to free us from both the penalty of sin and the POWER of sin. Let's live in that freedom bought for us at such a cost!


Michael Jackson--A Sad Man


Sex, Power, and Public Failure