Sex, Power, and Public Failure

Last week it was Senator John Ensign, a supporter of Promise Keepers. Today, Governor Mark Sanford stood in front of the cameras wiping away tears and apologizing to his wife, sons, and every one else for his very public failures.What are your reactions to this all too familiar scene?I want to look him in the eyes and say, "How could you be such a fool?"Personally, I am sick of this! Oh, I know about compassion for weakness, and "there but for the grace of God, go I." But how many more times are we going to have someone who talks about family (usually code for Christian) values disgracing the very name of the One they claim to follow? Isn't enough, enough?What were these men thinking? Why didn't they pull back from the brink and get help when they realized what was happening? Did they imagine they would escape unscathed and it wouldn't come out?A couple of years ago I gave a talk in Sydney, Australia, to a group of Christian doctors and spouses from many countries--it was called: Sex, Power, and Serving God. I've also given it in a few others places--and every time, audience members say to me, "Thank you for stressing that it is the individual's responsibility to take action as soon as they sense an out-of-bounds attraction to someone."I'll post more on this topic in the coming week. In the meantime, ask yourself, "Am I making excuses about a relationship, saying it is just a friendship or sharing mutual interests, when it really is an emotional attraction waiting for the right moment to become physical?"Let me know your thoughts on this topic.


Gov. Sanford: Sex, Power, and Public Failure


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