WANT TO tackle lots of tasks? To become more organized? Simplify your life by focusing on what you CAN DO IN TEN MINUTES.My passion is to help each of you (and myself) grow spiritually as well as personally in all areas of our lives. This means that when I see some great tips, I want to pass them on. Here are ten that will help you experience some positive changes in the next 10 days. The are from the fun and helpful blog written by Marcia Ramsland, The Organizing Pro. If you like Marcia’s tips and ideas, be sure and sign up to receive her enewsletter.  I’m already putting her ideas into action!  

What Can You Do in 10 Minutes for 10 Days
       by Marcia Ramsland, The Organizing Pro
1. Delete 10 extra email a day for 10 days. Result? If you have 99 email now, in 10 days you will have cleared your In-box!
2. Put away 10 papers a day for 10 days. Result? In 10 days you will have filed or recycled 100 papers from your desk!
3. Donate 10 items a day 10 days from your closet, drawers, and closet shelves. Result? In 10 days you will have 100 belts, socks, earrings, sweaters, jackets, slacks, jeans to donate – and a lot more breathing room.
4. Weed out 10 items a day for 10 days from your kitchen. Result? You will have recycled pots, pans, canned goods, mismatched mugs and dishes and helped a Homeless Shelter with 100 useful things!
5. Recycle 10 magazines, catalogs, and newspapers a day for 10 days. Result? You’ll speed read and catch up on your reading and clear paper clutter you’ve been meaning to get to.
6. Clear 10 items a day for 10 days from your flat surfaces. Result? Coffee tables, kitchen counters, desktops, and end tables will make your home look clutter free.
7. Choose 10 books to giveaway for 10 days. Result? You will have cleared your bookcases and put 100 great books back into circulation.
8. Organize 1 drawer for 10 minutes a day for 10 days. Result? Ten dresser and desk drawers are cleaned out.
9. Clean up one area of the garage for 10 minutes a day for 10 days. Result? It depends on your garage, but it definitely should be cleaner.
10. Read one book for 10 minutes a day for 10 days. Result? You can cover 100 pages and finish up a book you’ve wanted to read.
Focus on one of the 10 topics above for 10 days. Then sequence another one right after it. You’ll be amazed at how little time it takes. You can get 10 projects done in 100 days!
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I hope you enjoyed this different kind of blog today.  If you did, let me know and I'll pass along other practical tips I come across so you can THRIVE in every area of life. 
Blessings,  Poppy
Inspiring Women to Thrive, Spiritually and Personally.



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