When You Trip Up, Get Up!

 Go to fullsize image    Have you ever tripped up and gone SPLAT?  Hopefully not in front of thousands, or even millions of viewers as happened to this unfortunate, but very brave, ice skater.I went splat years ago when I walked into my kitchen one evening, arms laden down with bags of groceries.  A little rug, a little balancing act, and down I went.  Fortunately, my daughter and husband were home so they carted me off to the hospital with my broken arm.But what about going SPLAT emotionally?  Or spiritually?  Have you experienced that?  Unless you're a permanently upbeat, all-together, "walking in victory" type of person, the answer is YES!Mulling over this fact earlier today, I sat and focused on the words of 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.  Here's some thoughts that might help you get up when you trip up, even if you feel like staying there!
  • We are in a spiritual war
  • We don't fight our troubles with physical means: tongue, meanness, anger, rage, revenge
  • Our weapons are prayer, Scripture, the Holy Spirit, faith, hope, love, patience, kindness
  • We get up and get out of our spiritual struggle by thinking the truth and refuting Satan's lies
  • We look at what we're thinking, question it, and reject what isn't from God
  • We focus on what God does say, bringing our thoughts captive, holding them out to Him.

If you are caught up in something that is tripping you up spiritually or emotionally, get your Bible out and pray over these verses.  The Spirit of the Living God will pick you up and restore to you your sense of His loving interest in YOU. Thank Him for it.Let me know how He ministers to you.  Don't stay down. God wants to lift you up and bless your life.




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