Promises that motivate change

If you've read the previous two postings, you're ready for some of God's promises about what happens when we're more diligent. Here are four from Proverbs to think about:

1. Prov.12:11 Work your land (whatever is your God-given responsibility) and you WILL have abundance (good results, blessings, strengthened motivation to continue).

2. Prov. 12:24 Diligent hands WILL rule (succeed, accomplish, lead and direct others for their blessing because of your hard work and example).

3. Prov. 10: 4 Diligent hands bring wealth (an abundance of what you're working for).

4. Prov. 14:23 All hard work brings a profit (you WILL see results and be glad when you keep at it--even if it is hard work physically or mentally).

How about asking yourself: What small step could I take today towards accomplishing what God has called me to do?
Why not take the time--15 minutes, half an hour?--and see what you get done. I'll guarantee it whets your appetite for more!

Check in tomorrow for more spiritual food on making choices that God promises to bless.


Take Action!


Soul Food for the Hungry Heart 2.