In my desire to move from good intentions to good follow through, God brought some practical, face-the-truth questions to my mind. Read these and see if you identify. It might help you to work through these if you grab a notebook and write down your answers.1. Where does my time go? (TV, eating, talking, sleeping, magazines, browsing the web?).2. What distracts me? (The above, plus what? Write a list of whatever comes to mind.)3. What am I avoiding? (Ask God to help you discover why you avoid action and are easily side-tracked.)Now take a look at what happens when you aren't diligent. You can miss:Opportunities to fulfill God's call on your life.Doing the work He has assigned to you.Enjoying His presence, acceptance and love.Being a blessing to o thers as He works in and through you.The joy of purposeful daily living.Chew on these thoughts and challenges. Tomorrow I'll share some of God's promises to those who want their lives to count and are willing to make necessary changes.


Promises that motivate change


Spiritual Food for the Hungry Soul 1.