Stressed to the Max?

As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are but dust (Ps. 103:13-14).

My friend, Traci, came close to a stress induced emotional breakdown not long ago. Why? Because she felt obliged to say “YES” to every request or demand in order to measure up to her idea of being a “good” Christian.

She desperately needed to learn that God was not going to zap her, disapprove of her, or turn away if she chose to say NO – And, (gasp) even if she intentionally allowed space in her schedule to relax.

Do YOU know this freeing truth?

God’s love and favor is not dependent on us saying YES to everyone else’s plans for our lives!

His favor is rooted in is being adopted and accepted through our faith in Christ (Romans 3:21-23).

What contributes to our over-packed lives? What prompts us to say YES to more than we can realistically juggle?  What causes many of us to live in survival mode?

See if you identify with some of these reasons:

  • WE live with fresh invitations and information daily, and want to keep up.

  • We place expectations on ourselves to be as “successful” as others—moms, creatives, workers, home makers, room mothers or whatever else we engage in.

  • As Christians, we feel pressured to be growing in our love for God, reading Scripture, memorizing verses, meditating, journaling, interceding in prayer, reading devotionals, staying up on the latest Christian books, participating in a small group, attending seminars and never missing a church service. Whew!

In addition, our culture gives us another good, but time-consuming, list:

  • EXERCISE everyday—which is essential for our health—and necessary to survive our chosen schedule!

  • Be slim. Be healthy. Be a great cook. Have great hair, nails, make up, and wear the latest fashions.

  • PLUS, if you’re married—be a sexy wife, a tender mother, and a loving and available daughter.

Others might be able to pile on ten times more than you can manage without getting frazzled and snappy.  That’s great for them—but here are three things to recall when tempted to compare yourself:

  1. Remember: God didn’t make us the same—we have different energy levels, health issues, personalities and personal circumstances. You weren’t created to be a clone of someone else. You are YOU! Accept your strengths and limitations.

  1. Recognize: We respond to pressures differently—if you’re naturally a Type A person—intense, driven, task-oriented, or a Type B person—laidback, go with the flow, you’re going to react in different ways. If you’re Type A you might keep pushing, refusing to rethink your schedule and how it contributes to your stress. If you’re more Type B, watch for signs of feeling overwhelmed, irritable, and wanting to quit. Pray for insight and what steps you can take to reduce the pressure. Be open to what God wants you to hear.

  1. Realize: Your self-talk shapes your response to circumstances. A missionary friend feels guilty whenever she sits down to relax. Why? Because she tells herself she should be visiting the needy, caring for the sick, or sewing things for the poor. Her self-talk is similar to my friend, Traci’s, and the emotional and physical impact is the same.

Dig deeper:

  • What do you tell yourself when there’s an endless list of needs around you?

  • Is what you say to yourself TRUE, BIBLICAL, and consistent with GOD’S CHARACTER?

  • Is your pace and pressure God’s plan for you? If not, what changes can you make? I’d love to hear.

Wishing you less stress and more rest!


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