“There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short

 of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace,

 through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus” (Rom.3:22-24).

 When I became a Christian I knew nothing about the purpose of the Cross. I’d never thought about it beyond seeing it displayed in various places.  In England, where I came from, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Easter Monday were all holidays—which used to be called “holy days,” because that’s what they were.I remember getting big, foil-covered Easter eggs filled with individual chocolates and gorging myself on them.  But I don’t recall going to church—certainly not with my parents—buying a special dress, or attending an Easter egg hunt.

Since becoming a follower of Jesus I’ve learned about the centrality

 of the Cross – but in the blitz of advertising pretty dresses, Easter bunnies,

and setting Pinterest-worthy tables for family gatherings, it’s easy to forget:

“Why the Cross?”

Here are some brief answers from John Stott’s awe-inspiring book:  “The Cross of Christ.”

  1. Christ died FOR us. (John 10:11)

He died for our sake, not his own. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus intentionally gave up his life for us.

  1. Christ died for us that he might BRING US to God (1 Peter 3:18)

Without Christ’s death we would remain alienated from God, living for ourselves, and seeking “something” to satisfy our deep longings for meaning and purpose. Because Jesus’ death opened the way to God, we don’t have to live with a guilty conscience or be weighed down by shame over things we’ve done or thought which we can’t forget. We can have peace.

  1. Christ died for OUR sins. (Romans 3:25-26)

If Jesus hadn’t died for our sins, yours and mine, we would face God ourselves. Instead, out of His great love and mercy for us, He bore the penalty our sins deserved. Believing and receiving this incredible gift makes us acceptable to God (John 1:12).

  1. Christ died OUR death. (Romans 6:23)

Because of our faith and acceptance of God’s free gift of salvation, we now have eternal life.  We’re called, invited, privileged to live a life of purity and purpose, a life that influences others for their good and which reflects the glory of God’s love.

Good Friday is painful, it is also GOOD!

I pray you’ll worship, gripped in awe,

 at the love of God.

Easter Sunday is joyful. Christ AROSE!

     He lives in YOU, today and forever.

Celebrate His love, enjoy your pretty clothes, indulge in those chocolate eggs, and give thanks to the One who has transformed your life and destiny.Blessings,PoppyPhoto credit: GraphicStock


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