“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness” Matthew 6:33.

“Set your hearts on things above” Colossians 3:1.

“I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

Facing Life Alone is a conversation I am having with interested women who want to be prepared for the day they might be dealing with the issues of life by themselves.  I am one of them. Maybe you are, too?

Regardless of our age or season of life, as women, we need to stop procrastinating and act now!  One day we will be glad we did. (I am a bit of a procrastinator so I’m speaking to myself as well as you!)

In my previous blog (click here if you missed it), I provided a list of actions to tackle now, before that situation arises. Today, I want to share three (out of many) reasons why it’s important to have a sense of purpose both now, and when/if you find yourself facing life alone.  I am drawing from the chapter “Where Do I Go from Here? found in my book, I’m Too Young to Be This Old!

1.  Purpose Holds you Steady. When we face the loss of dreams, hopes, relationships or other significant aspects of our lives, it’s easy to feel discouraged, depressed, and hopeless.  This is part of the process of beginning with a new normal.  What was not normal, nor wanted, is now our reality. 

“Unlike goals that are measurable, accomplishable, and when achieved replaced by other goals, a sense of purpose provides a fixed point from which to make decisions.”

Having a purpose that cannot be taken away by life’s changes and losses is vital for our emotional, spiritual, and even physical well-being.

2.  Purpose Provides a Life Focus. Jesus’ purpose was clear: To do the will of His Father. Before he went to the Cross, He could declare, “I have completed the work you gave me to do” John 17: 4. As disciples of Jesus, we too have God-given work to do, and we’re urged to live a life worthy of our calling (Ephesians 2:10; 4:1).

To tie our sense of purpose to a spouse, family, career, possessions, or even our health is to link our reason for living to something that can easily slip away. These things can be deeply meaningful, but they are all inadequate and temporary substitute for a sense of purpose that covers the unknowns of life.


3. Purpose Has an Eternal Perspective. We are not Jesus, who knew exactly what He was on earth to do. However, we do know that our lives are to glorify God, to love Him with all our being, and to love others as ourselvesBUT HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT OUR INDIVIDUAL PURPOSE IS?  This requires time to think, reflect on what you have done, where your strengths lie, and what gives you joy and energy.  Write down what comes to mind, pray, and start working on a “Life Purpose Statement.” 

Begin this with the words: “My life purpose is to … and end it, ‘for the glory of God.’”

For more information on this important task, check my books, I’m Too Young….” (where I give my Life Purpose Statement). Also, Go for It! Make Your Life Count for God for excellent guidance.

We will discuss this in more detail in the free online group I am leading monthly.  Email me if you’d like to receive the Zoom link for the meeting on Thursday, September 23, at 10 am PCT.

Praying this focus on the importance of Purpose draws you closer to God. 



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What woman hasn’t looked in the mirror and wondered who was staring back at her? Or marveled at how grown up her children look? Or puzzled at how her friends are aging prematurely? I'm Too Young to Be This Old shows women how to face their changing lives with a spirit of fun and fearlessness.

I'd love to autograph your copy when you order HERE!

Do you wonder what God created you to do? Do you have desires and dreams but wonder where to go with them? If your heart is saying YES, then this easy to read, life-changing guide based on Biblical principles is for you.

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Facing Life Alone? Many Women Will!