Dream, Set A Goal, Begin

A few years ago, with temperatures over 100’, I attended the Oregon Christian Writers' conference--and found it worth every sweaty moment!
Editors and writers met in a huge, hot, room. Wiping our faces every few minutes with wadded up tissues, we waved our manuscripts like fans and downed bottles of tepid water. But as soon as an editor said the magic words, "I like your work. Please send me your proposal," all the misery of trying to survive heat stroke evaporated!
Coming home, reality hit. I had lots of ideas to mull over, chapters to rewrite, notes to send, and projects to begin. But, surrounded by deliciously cool air and encouraged by the Spirit's reminder "God can do anything, you know--far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!" (Eph.3:20 The Message), I was eager to get to work and see what God had planned in the days ahead.
How about you? Is there something you're dreaming of doing? What’s holding you back? 
Ask God to show you the next step and move forward. (For helpful steps to doing this, check out my easy self-coaching guide Go for It. Make Your Life Count for God!)
Write down in a planner or notebook your starting date, then add another note, dated one month later, to check what you accomplished in that time. Make a list of necessary steps towards your goal and put to-do dates by each step. Check them off as they get done—and put a big happy face by that item.
My head was spinning from all I learned that week--but I began organizing my priorities and tackling the first items on my list. Now, a few years later with both books and Bible studies published, I’m amazed at how God brought about something I never believed was possible.
What is God calling you to step into?  Don’t waste your talents and passions.  If your dream is from Him, and you are willing to do your part, what might you accomplish—even a month from now?
I'd love to know what you're going to begin--and what you hope to have accomplished a month from now.
If I can help inspire or guide you to move forward into God's plans for you, I’d love to do that. Give me a call, send an email, or let me know how I can cheer you along!



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