It’s Valentines! Express your love in these 3 special ways


It’s Valentines! 
Express your love in these 3 special ways
“The lips of the righteous nourish many” Prov. 10:21

Learning how to say “I LOVE YOU” in a way that is remembered and treasured takes a little thought. But at this VALENTINES season, think of your thanks as little verbal, or written, gifts especially chosen for a particular person.

Here are three ways to show your thanks to a special someone, whether it’s a boyfriend, spouse, family member, a dear friend or a co-worker.

1. EXPRESS AFFIRMATION: What does ____________ do well? Affirmations acknowledge the effort that a person puts into something and shows that you recognize their good qualities. Start your affirmation focusing on the action, followed by your feelings. Here are two examples:

  • You did a great job (describe it) and I feel (state your feeling: proud, relieved, …)
  • You are (state quality you are affirming) and I feel (cared for, loved….)
2. SHOW APPRECIATION: What does _____________ do that pleases you? Appreciation tells the person that you enjoy something they have done for you.  Be specific.
  • “Thank you for caring enough to ____________.  It was very thoughtful of you. I especially appreciate you doing this today when …..”
  • Or: “You are so good at remembering details.”
3. SHARE YOUR ADMIRATION: Do they have a good sense of humor? Are they kind? Is there a character quality you admire, or some spiritual gift that blesses you? Identify it.
  • Even if a person seems uncomfortable, remember that underneath everyone appreciates a sincere compliment.

With Valentine’s Day such a prime opportunity to express love and gratitude to people in your life, let me encourage you to get busy and send some love notes to your friends—and especially to those who might not have someone special in their lives!

All of us long to be loved and to know we matter, so who will you bless with your words of Affirmation, Appreciation, and Admiration?

(My special “Thank You” to Dr. Sandra Bender, author of Recreating Marriage with the Same Old Spouse.)

For more helpful tips on building a healthy relationship both before and after marriage, order Why Can’t He Be More Like Me?  I’d love to autograph your copy when you order HERE 


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